Join us for the #doodlewithusinfebruary challenge!
Get ready for our next Instagram challenge for the month of February. It’s the #doodlewithusinfebruary challenge created by me and Christina from @christina77star ! The theme for February’s Prompts is ‘Outer Space’.

As we did before, all the doodles are part of one big comprehensive picture. Imagine each day to be one piece of the puzzle. So, at the end of the month you will have one big doodle picture! 🙂 If you decide to follow this way, you’ll have to create a table with 4×6 + 4 boxes and you shouldn’t add the days on the top. Or you can go ahead and create a full 5×6 table and just decorate the last two squares with anything you want that ties in with the outer space theme. You can also make the boxes and dates in pencil, if you don’t want the lines to obscure the end result. It’s totally up to you.
You can also download the printable page here, with all the boxes and the prompts ready for you.
If you want to join, but you prefer to draw the doodles in the traditional way, that’s absolutely fine as well. The important thing is to have fun! All you have to do is to draw something according to the day’s prompt, take a photo of it, and share it with us. Don’t forget to add the hashtag #doodlewithusinfebruary. 28 days of doodles that will hopefully get you to be creative and have fun! We’re excited to see what you share!